Find KIMONO Perfect for You 2019-10-27T15:17:06+00:00

Project Description

着物KimonoFind KIMONO Perfect for You

When speaking of the history of kimono, we must not forget to mention the Kyoto’s original Kimono. Kimonos as we know them today came into being during the Heian period (794-1192). Over time, as the practice of wearing kimonos in layers came to fashion. Today the kimono ranges in length, pattern, seasonal colors and materials from formal kimono to yukata there is design out there to suit every woman’s taste. Find a kimono perfect for you, if you are going to special event, party, and traditional experience.

When worn royal color or with pattern, formal kimono and obi by traditional and luxury labels such as Umegaki Orimono make for compelling special memories

着物KimonoFind KIMONO Perfect for You

When speaking of the history of kimono, we must not forget to mention the Kyoto’s original Kimono. Kimonos as we know them today came into being during the Heian period (794-1192). Over time, as the practice of wearing kimonos in layers came to fashion. Today the kimono ranges in length, pattern, seasonal colors and materials from formal kimono to yukata there is design out there to suit every woman’s taste. Find a kimono perfect for you, if you are going to special event, party, and traditional experience.

When worn royal color or with pattern, formal kimono and obi by traditional and luxury labels such as Umegaki Orimono make for compelling special memories



Japanese culture experience

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Japanese cultural programs Caren_logomark
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Japanese culture experience

Kyoto image 1
Japanese cultural programs Caren_logomark
kyoto discover-more-7
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